While many have touted what a fantastic job Zuckerberg did in answering questions from lawmakers, there were some glaring holes in his testimony. I think he did a good job representing his company, but the underlying missing substance has paved the way for future laws in privacy protection that could have implications for boards and c-suite executives across industries. Zuckerberg, clearly rehearsed and briefed by lawyers, repeatedly told both the house and senate committees that users have control over their data and that Facebook doesn’t sell data. But, to quote his beloved Star Wars, that’s only true “from a certain point of view.”
The European Union’s new privacy law, General Data Protection Regulation (aka “GDPR”) will take effect on May 25, 2018. In the final countdown, lawyers and consultants scramble to work with their clients to map when, where, how and why data is collected, stored and used. But the real question for people like me who are interested in digital trends is: “how will this change digital behavior?”
As the story and forensics behind the Equifax breach continues to unfold, directors can dissect what went wrong, who knew and what could have been done about it. What questions should you be asking at your next board meeting? This article provides an overview of the root cause of the breach and questions board members should consider asking senior executives.